Monthly Archives: November 2023

Blessings Blessed are those who hunger for justice.Blessings to the powerlessand their allies driven to cure injustice. Blessings also to those who refuseto hate their abusers.This is the hardest task of all. Never forget—each person’s face,even that of your adversary,bears … Continue reading

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Mass In Times of a Pandemic Psalm 100 Kyrie eleison Have mercy upon the people of faith, O Lord,who put their trust in you, as an enemy, unseenand silent, steals across our land and the worldabroad to tap on shoulders—as … Continue reading

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Wars in My Lifetime Judges 4:1-7 World War II a boy-soldier lieswith his faceon the continent of Europeand his feetin the Atlantic Korea when we died,they said casualties were low;they gave us medalsand thanked usfor our service Vietnam I am … Continue reading

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Entering Adulthood Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 The nights were deathly quiet. We never sawthe underclass at dark. Invisible deeds,professionally drawn by cordial men, keptour slumber safe, our world a safe cocoon.Depression-haunted parents pampered usinto the sixties. The gaunt face of povertythat … Continue reading

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The Big Nothing Joshua 3:7-17 What happens to the indigenous peoplesliving in someone else’s promised land?We never know because they are slaughtered or erased forever as a culture.Nothing to see here—their story is a big nothing. Historians connect the dots … Continue reading

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