Monthly Archives: March 2024

NOTE: I wrote the following poem a few days after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. President Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill I, the leader of the Moscow-based Russian Orthodox Church, claim they are waging a Christian holy war in … Continue reading

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Summer Romance Of all my days to middle age,you gave me less than ten.So little time from moon to rising moon.A meteor flared and fellon an August night now thirty winters dead.The lingering light:for that I give you thanks.

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[haiku] the hard-breathing troutexplaining deathto a child NOTE: This is a true story. When our son Matthew was eight years old, I took him fishing for the first time. I had to explain what happens to the trout after it … Continue reading

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The Hills of the Central Coast Under a raspberry haze, row after rowof the smooth-sanded hills of the Coast Rangecompress into a flat two-dimensional view.Except for the accidental live oak hereand there, bare grassland is all I see.Telescoped ridgelines are … Continue reading

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