Put On the Armor of Light
Romans 13:11-14
My nettlesome dream snaps shut.
Instead of rolling over
for more slugabed minutes,
I get up and put on the armor of light—
ready to praise the image of God
on this day
in each face I greet.
First Sunday of Advent
November 27, 2022
Poetry Stream
Poetry Stream follows the liturgical calendar from the First Sunday in Advent in Year C (December 2, 2018) to the Last Sunday After Pentecost in Year B (November 21, 2021). You will find a poem for each Sunday in the three year cycle. The poem is inspired by one of the four scriptures specified for that particular Sunday: Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament (epistle), and the Gospel.
Poetry Stream continues on November 27, 2022, with a new Year A.
This liturgical calendar is used by both the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).
Click this to view Poetry Stream.