Ambassadors for Christ
1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Cold morning. I opened the red door
to the sanctuary and slipped into the back row.
No one turned around to look at me.
I learned it was the first Sunday after the Epiphany
as my downcast eyes were focused on the church bulletin
handed to me in the narthex. Let the service begin
I thought to myself. I was church shopping and this
was my first stop, with two others on the list.
I wasn’t nervous until we came to the Peace.
No introductions—it wasn’t the time or place,
but the people near were friendly all the same.
To be honest, I was most reluctant to say my name.
I could be moving on, never to return.
After the last “Alleluia,” I had a fresh concern.
Coffee hour was next—should I stay or go?
I am still here. That was nine years ago.
What happened? I stood alone with my coffee
when she approached and said, Hi, I’m Cathy.
Are you a visitor? I was relieved someone cared
enough to say hello. No longer was I wary
as I was welcomed by others on the floor.
This was exactly what I was looking for:
to find a friendly home on the first visit;
to find a church in communion with the Holy Spirit.
Third Sunday After the Epiphany
January 22, 2023