Holy Communion

The dove spreads wings of the present and past.
Warm thermals lift these wings of time.
One wing is us in this sacred place.
The other bears souls of every age.

Our world was once a lightless void.
From that the Lord created the world.
From things not seen, he made the earth.
From a spark, the Lord gives us birth.

On edge from dust to dust again,
by our faith we know there is a plan.
We look ahead with absolute trust.
By faith we sing the Great Amen.

We fold eternity into a day.
Time slows to a stop with body and blood.
We eat this bread and drink this wine.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

NOTE: The St. John’s choir sang this poem in early October 2023.

Original tune: “Bunessan” (Scottish Gaelic: Bun Easain)
Musical score: See anthem #8 of the hymnal

Link: Cat Stevens, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rifby1tVE8

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