The God Guy

Proverbs 9:10

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
How is that?
Fear is the feeling of terror
in a frightening event.
It is respect a servant shows
for the master’s vision.
It is reverence one feels
in the presence of greatness.
Those who fear the Lord
continually are aware of him.
Those who fear the Lord
have a deep reverence for him.
Those who fear the Lord
are committed to obey him.

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
but the fool despises wisdom and instruction.
The fool seeks wisdom
while ignoring the Lord
and yet the Lord is the source of wisdom.
The fool has no foundation
on which to build wisdom.
Without a fear of the Lord,
the fool makes decisions
based on faulty human understanding.
The fool despises the Lord’s instruction
and cannot be told what to do.
The fool neither glorifies the Lord
nor gives him thanks.

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
We are ruled by a man
who does not fear the Lord.
He arrogates himself to the Lord’s throne
in the chain of being.
We are not terrified by his power.
We do not respect him.
We do not feel reverence toward him.
He is a fool,
but because of self-referential ignorance,
he is the last to know.
His time in power will pass away.
The Lord’s path of righteousness
is the path to wisdom.

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