When Jesus Saw the Crowds
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Matthew 9:36
When Jesus saw the crowds,
he felt the world’s pain—
for the sick, the blind, the troubled
trapped in the grip of demons.
When Jesus saw the crowds,
he felt the world’s sorrow.
He wanted to wipe away
tears from every eye.
When Jesus saw the crowds,
he felt the world’s hunger.
The tired and hungry sheep
looked up, waiting to be fed.
When Jesus saw the crowds,
he felt for those cut off.
He cared for the lonely leper
banished from the village square.
When Jesus saw the crowds,
he felt the world’s bewilderment.
The people, longing for God,
were given rules instead.
The people were harassed and helpless
like sheep without a shepherd.
When Jesus saw the crowds,
he was moved by true compassion.
The world has greatly changed
since Jesus saw the crowds.
But we still have pain and sorrow;
we still have hunger and loneliness;
we still have bewilderment.
The Gospel remains the same.
He is moved by true compassion
for the crowds of the dispossessed.
Contact info: davebaldwin37@gmail.com